Community news|22/11/21

MSDs: prevention from an early age

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > MSDs: prevention from an early age

In many cases, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) begin in childhood: around 30% of young people aged 7 to 26 suffer from them. The fact that they come to the workplace with pre-existing problems that may be exacerbated by work raises questions. It is therefore important to know how to prevent MSDs at an early age.

It is against this background that EU-OSHA has focused in this literature review on identifying the prevalence and main risk factors for MSDs in children and young workers, as well as the main preventive measures in place.

Many factors influence the development of MSDs, including physical factors (e.g. obesity, sleep deprivation, prolonged sitting), socio-economic factors and individual factors (e.g. gender, age).

This exploratory exercise looks at how these factors affect MSDs in children and young people, how they can be prevented and how good musculoskeletal health can be an integral part of education.

Find out more (pdf)

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