Community news|17/05/16

Napo: Back to a healthy future!

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Napo: Back to a healthy future!

napo bonne santeIn this new film, Napo – who has the power to travel in time – explores both the past and the future, revealing the key factors for healthier and more productive workplaces against the backdrop of an ageing labour force.

From ergonomic positions to suitable lifting procedures, and including workers’ training at all ages and initiatives to return to the workplace, Napo shows us the importance of risk management throughout the working life. He also reminds us that we must combat all forms of discrimination based on age.

This new film forms part of the campaign: Healthty Workplaces for all ages.



Napo is the hero of a series of cartoons co-produced by a small group of European organizations, which aims to discuss, in a striking and amusing way, important issues related to safety and health at work. This appealing character represents an employee working in any industry or sector.

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