Community news|26/03/14

New 2014/27/EU directive relating to chemical substances

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New 2014/27/EU directive relating to chemical substances

The directive, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 05/03/2014, amends five “occupational health and safety” directives to comply with the provisions of European Regulation 1272/2008, the so-called CLP Regulation, on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances. This Regulation aims to inform users of health dangers related to the use of these products by means of uniform features such as pictograms, notes describing the dangers, warning notices appearing on labels, and safety data sheets. This Regulation came into force in January 2009.

The amendment concerns the following directives: 

  • “Safety and/or health signs” (92/58/EEC)
  • “Pregnant workers” (92/85/EEC)
  • “Young people at work” (94/33/EEC)
  • “Chemical agents” (98/24/EC)
  • “Carcinogens or mutagens at work” (2004/37/EC).

The 2014/27/EU directive is to be transposed by the Member States into their national law by 1 June 2015. 

The theme of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which will be held on 28 April 2014, will be “Safety and health in using chemical products at work”.

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