Community news|29/09/17

New estimates: Work-related injuries and diseases cost the EU €467 billion per year

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New estimates: Work-related injuries and diseases cost the EU €467 billion per year

This data comes from the EU-OSHA project on the costs and benefits of OSH. The cost of work-related cancers alone amounts to €119.5 billion.

In cooperation with the International Labour Organization and other partners, EU-OSHA is currently working out a model for establishing the estimated costs resulting from ineffective or non-existent measures. This model allows a comprehensive measurement of the resulting burden on society, and its results will enable policymakers to better understand the economic consequences of poor-quality occupational safety and health conditions.

The latest conclusions of the project and an accessible interactive data viewing tool were presented at the 21st World Congress on Safety and Health at Work which was held in Singapore in September.

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