Community news|02/06/23

The new Machinery Regulation has been adopted

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The new Machinery Regulation has been adopted

On 22 May, the Council adopted the new European regulation on machinery. The text, which replaces the 2006 directive, specifies the essential health and safety requirements applicable in the EU, facilitates the free movement of machinery and guarantees a high level of safety for workers and the general public.

It makes conformity assessment by a third-party body compulsory for six categories of machinery with a higher risk factor. Safety information will have to be provided for each product, in digital format by default (paper documents can be issued on request).

The new regulation will cover the risks associated with emerging technologies and clarifies the scope of application. In particular, small transport vehicles for personal use and light electric vehicles such as scooters and bicycles will be included, as they are widely used and could be dangerous for users.

The text must now be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will enter into force on the 20th day following publication. Member States and economic operators will have 42 months before the new rules apply.

EUROGIP, in collaboration with the ETUI, is preparing a guide to be published in the days following publication of the regulation in the EU Official Journal. The document will compare the text of the directive and the new regulation article by article. The aim is to help those involved in the design, use and monitoring of machinery to interpret, implement and apply this new legal text.

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