
New standards to protect your eyes at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New standards to protect your eyes at work

The eyes are too often neglected. However, the slightest injury can have considerable consequences. The ISO expert subcommittee for eye and face protection has therefore published two standards for protection against ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation in particular. These standards also incorporate the latest developments in the field of welding guards.

Until now, only national standards were available. These are the first two standards published internationally. ISO 16321 specifies the general requirements for equipment designed to protect the eyes and face against common occupational hazards, such as flying particles, harmful gases, optical radiation or liquid splashes. It is divided into 3 parts: general requirements; additional requirements for guards used in welding and related techniques; additional requirements for mesh guards.

The ISO 18527 standard applies in the context of sports – skiing, swimming, squash and racquetball – to eye and face protection equipment.

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