Community news|06/08/21

New summary of European harmonised standards for PPE

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New summary of European harmonised standards for PPE

The European Commission has updated the summary of harmonised standards published in the Official Journal concerning Regulation (EU) 2016/4251 on personal protective equipment (PPE).

Harmonised standards are a particular category of European standards. They are developed following a request (“mandate”) from the European Commission and are used to demonstrate that products or services comply with the technical requirements of the relevant EU legislation. Harmonised standards represent about 20% of European standards.

This summary, generated on 22 July 2021, is provided for information purposes only. It therefore has no legal value. In table form, it mentions in particular:

  • the European standardisation body that adopted the standard (CEN, Cenelec)
  • the reference and title of the standard,
  • the dates of commencement and, if applicable, of cessation of presumption of conformity with the Regulation,
  • the reference and date of publication in the Official Journal,
  • any restrictions to the presumption of conformity.

See the document

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