Community news|11/07/22

New version of the Blue Guide to the implementation of EU directives

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New version of the Blue Guide to the implementation of EU directives

A new version of the “Guide to the implementation of directives based on the provisions of the New Approach and the Global Approach” – the “Blue Guide” – is available. It takes into account, inter alia, recent changes in legislation and, in particular, the adoption of a new Regulation on market surveillance.

This guide is one of the main explanatory reference documents on the implementation of the legislation now covered by the New Legislative Framework (NLF). It is designed to contribute to:

  • a better understanding of the EU product regulation
  • a more uniform and consistent application of these rules in different sectors and throughout the single market.

The Blue Guide is addressed to Member States and other interested parties throughout the EU: trade and consumer associations, standardisation bodies, manufacturers, importers, distributors, conformity assessment bodies, trade unions, etc. It is based on consultation with all interested parties.

It is designed exclusively as a guidance document. Only the text of the EU harmonisation act has legal force.

Consult the blue guide

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