Community news|15/02/16

Official launch of the REFIT platform

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Official launch of the REFIT platform

Forty-eight representatives of stakeholders, from a great variety of sectors, met on 29 January 2016 for the launch of the REFIT platform, with the common goal of moving toward “smart, efficient regulations”.

“To deliver what citizens expect from us, reviewing and improving existing EU rules is just as important as making new proposals,” said first Vice-President, Mr Timmermans, who chairs the REFIT Platform. “The body of EU law must remain fit for purpose, up to date and as simple as possible. To ensure this, we need to hear the views of those who really know: the citizens, the small entrepreneurs, the public administrators who are faced everyday with the advantages but also sometimes the inefficiencies of our laws and the way they are implemented by Member States. The REFIT Platform is there to collect their views, assess them and turn them into pragmatic and operational suggestions to the European Commission.”

By a decision of 19 May 2015, the Commission established the REFIT Platform, which consists of two permanent groups: one bringing together experts from the Member States (“group of Member States”) and the other comprising representatives of enterprises, the trade unions and civil society (“group of stakeholders”). All were selected following a public call for candidacies. The Commission endeavoured to establish a balanced representation of the various sectors, interests and regions, and a balance between men and women.

The work of the REFIT Platform will be carried out mostly on the basis of contributions forwarded by the public via the online tool Lighten the load – Have your say!

Programme for Better Regulation

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