
OS&H in Europe: where are we now?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > OS&H in Europe: where are we now?

So where are we in Europe when it comes to health and safety at work? That’s the question we put to William Cockburn Salazar, the new Executive Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), in the first episode of the EUROGIP Discussions.

From 2024, this series of online video episodes will take over from the “Débats d’EUROGIP”, an annual European conference. Our aim is the same: to provide a European perspective on occupational risks in Europe through the testimonies of experts, especially from Europe.

To kick off the series, we wanted an episode that was a bit didactic and general about occupational safety and health (OS&H). So what better way than to give the floor to the new Director of EU-OSHA!

William explains:

  • EU-OSHA’s mission,
  • The difference between EU-OSHA and Eurofound, two EU agencies that are sometimes confused,
  • the 2023-2025 campaign on OSH in the digital age and the priorities for 2024
  • the state and trends in OS&H in Europe,
  • the progress made, but also the challenges that remain,
  • the Directive on platform work and the Regulation on artificial intelligence and their future impact on OS&H.

He concludes by reminding us that more needs to be done to prevent the nine to ten workers who die in work-related accidents and the 550 to 600 workers who suffer from occupational diseases on an average day in Europe…

Look at Episode 1 with William Cockburn Salazar and a list of documents for further reading.

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