Community news|26/06/18

OSH in micro and small enterprises in the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > OSH in micro and small enterprises in the EU

A new report within the framework of the three-yearly SESAME project presents a review of occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises in Europe. The main objective was to determine what works, for whom and in what contexts.

The analysis is based on the study of 162 micro and small enterprises representing various sectors of activity in nine EU Member States, with for each case study: a visit to the enterprise, discussions with the owner-director and with a worker, and observation of the enterprise’s business.

One of the essential recommendations based on this study is that it is necessary to reinforce and maintain the state systems of regulation and control in all the EU Member States. It is also important to involve the trade union and employers’ organizations in working out policies which could cover micro and small enterprises in the EU, to improve allowance for OSH in the sector training system and to offer sustainable solutions, easily applicable and transferable to micro and small enterprises.

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