
Plan for improvement of the process of creation of new technical committees in the ISO

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Plan for improvement of the process of creation of new technical committees in the ISO

The ISO has started thinking about how to improve the process of creation of technical committees and thus prevent any overlap with the work of existing committees.

This was the case, for example, for the creation of ISO/TC 297, “Waste management, recycling and road operation services”. For example, its work programme included refuse collectors and road operation machines which already appeared in the work programme of ISO/TC 195, “Building construction machinery and equipment”.

Accordingly, in order to have greater visibility and to avoid such situations, the ISO proposes accepting the creation of a new technical committee only after the following procedure has been complied with:

The country initiating the proposal must make sure that work on the subject is not on the programme of an existing committee. If an overlap is identified, the country must solve this with the committee in question.

  • Discussion with the person in charge of the field in the ISO central secretariat;
  • Submission of the proposal for voting, and in parallel a request to all the committees to express their views regarding a possible overlap.
  • Based on the results, and if an overlap is identified, ISO/TMB (the governance organization in charge of general management of the technical committees structure in ISO) may hold a meeting prior to the creation of the committee.

These proposals will be discussed soon in the workgroup responsible for establishing the ISO Directives for potential application.

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