Community news, Covid-19 News|29/09/21

Platform workers: a new European Parliament resolution

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Platform workers: a new European Parliament resolution

On 16 September, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers.

As highlighted in the last issue of IR Notes, it did not advocate for a generalized reclassification of platform workers as “salaries”. Indeed, on the basis of a report by Sylvie Brunet (Renew) adopted by a large majority, MEPs call on the Commission to introduce in its future proposal “a rebuttable presumption of an employment relationship in the case of platform workers (…) combined with a reversal of the burden of proof”. Nothing automatic then, but the possibility for workers who are truly independent to remain so and to continue to find work on platforms.

In addition, MEPs abandon any idea of an intermediate status between salaried employment and self-employment. The resolution also addresses equal treatment with “workers of the same category who do not work via a platform” as regards the right and access to social protection. They should “have the right to receive compensation for accidents at work and occupational diseases and to social protection including sickness and disability insurance cover”.

In addition to the Parliament’s resolution, the Commission also has the responses of the European social partners, which it consulted in preparing its proposal for a directive, expected on 8 December.

Parliament resolution

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