Community news|01/03/21

Platform workers: Commission consults social partners

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Platform workers: Commission consults social partners

The Commission launched on 24 February the 1st stage consultation of the European social partners on how to improve the working conditions for people working through collaborative work platforms.

Their use has increased with the health crisis. The crisis has also highlighted the vulnerability of workers in these platforms, both in terms of exposure to health and safety risks and limited access to social protection and benefits. The aim now is to invite the European social partners to give their views on the need and direction for possible EU action to improve matters. The consultation will be open for at least six weeks.

“In the midst of the digital transition, we cannot lose sight of the basic principles of our European social model. We should make the most of the job creating potential that comes with digital labour platforms, while ensuring dignity, respect and protection for the people that work through them. Social partners’ views on this will be key in finding a balanced initiative for platform work in the EU.” said Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights.

The Commission Work Programme 2021 announced a legislative initiative to this end by the end of 2021, which will support the implementation of the principles set out the European Pillar of Social Rights.

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