Community news, Covid-19 News|28/09/21

Possibility of recognising COVID-19 as an occupational hazard in Europe

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Possibility of recognising COVID-19 as an occupational hazard in Europe

A new Eurostat publication provides an update on the recognition of Covid-19 as an accident at work (AW) and/or occupational disease (OD) in the EU and EFTA countries.

Indeed, the form of recognition varies and Covid-19 is recognized as :

  • an OD in 19 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway.
  • AW in 3 countries: Italy, Slovenia and Spain
  • either, according to national criteria, in 5 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Finland.

In Greece and Ireland, Covid-19 can be work-related, but it is not specified whether it can be considered as an AT or a PD. The report also reveals that recognition is not limited to specific economic sectors in the following countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Norway.

Chapter 3 looks at national recognition criteria and also reveals heterogeneous national practices.

Report “Possibility of recognising covid-19 as being of occupational origin at national level in EU and EFTA countries” (pdf)

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