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Postponement of the EUROGIP Discussions 2020 to 2021

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Postponement of the EUROGIP Discussions 2020 to 2021

The health crisis had forced us to postpone the EUROGIP Discussions initially scheduled for 12 March on “Preventing occupational risks in the sector of care for dependent elderly people”. The date of 22 September had been set.

Unfortunately, holding a European conference is very uncertain for the autumn. Therefore, the EUROGIP Board preferred to take the decision to postpone the Discussions to next year. The date chosen is 9 March 2021.

The issue, which is very much in the news, remains the same. On the other hand, we will review the programme as it had been decided to include the issue of the health crisis that has impacted the care sector for the elderly. The new programme will be published on our website at the beginning of October.

EUROGIP thanks you for your understanding and hopes to count you among the participants next year.

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