Community news|28/02/18

Prevention of work-related diseases: EU-OSHA launches a new section on its website

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Prevention of work-related diseases: EU-OSHA launches a new section on its website

Each year in Europe, work-related diseases are responsible for about 204,000 deaths. Raising awareness of these diseases, and particularly work-related cancers, is a priority for EU-OSHA.

Accordingly, the Agency recently launched a new section of its website on the issue. Its research aims to provide a database of convincing information for policy makers and to facilitate the sharing of good practices on risk prevention and readaptation. EU-OSHA’s recent research has focused on alert and sentinel systems regarding OSH, on work-related diseases caused by biological agents and on workers’ readaptation and return to the workplace after cancer treatment.

Find out more

Recognition of occupational diseases in Europe: consult the reports published by EUROGIP


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