
Promoting the French occupational injury and health system in South Korea

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Promoting the French occupational injury and health system in South Korea

As an international intermediary for the French National Occupational injuries Insurance, EUROGIP has signed a cooperation and information exchange agreement with the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) and the Korean Workmen’s Compensation and Welfare Board (COMWEL).

Both were on study visits in October and November 2023. The aim was to find out more about the French system for protecting employees against accidents at work and occupational illnesses.

EUROGIP had asked the CRAMIF to share prevention values and good practices with its visitors from the KOSHA Agency and Korean companies during the meeting focused on the prevention culture. A few days later, it received a delegation from COMWEL, who were particularly keen to find out more about the most accident-prone professions in France, the company rating system and accident insurance for platform workers.

(photo © Cramif)

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