Community news|30/10/23

Public consultation on the European Labour Authority (ETA)

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Public consultation on the European Labour Authority (ETA)

In compliance with Regulation 2019/1149, the European Commission must carry out an evaluation of the European Labour Authority’s performance, that started operating in mid-2019. With respect of this evaluation, due by 1 August 2024 (and every 5 years after that), the Commission launched a call for evidence for public feedback by 5 January 2024.

The evaluation will:

  • focus on how the Authority has performed in relation to its objectives, mandate and tasks
  • explore further synergies with agencies on employment and social policy.

In short, the aim is to give an opinion on the relevance of the Authority’s objectives and on whether or not it is necessary to change its mandate.

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