2012|Germany, Germany
Statistical review of occupational injuries GERMANY 2009-2010 data
Statistical data relating to accidents at work, occupational diseases and commuting accidents in Germany – 2009/2010 Data
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EUROGIP publications
Our publications are mainly related to the comparative surveys that EUROGIP carries out regarding insurance or prevention of occupational risks in Europe. EUROGIP also publishes a newsletter, EUROGIP infos, or the proceedings of its annual conference. You will also find institutional documents such as the annual activity reports.
2012|Germany, Germany
Statistical data relating to accidents at work, occupational diseases and commuting accidents in Germany – 2009/2010 Data
This document presents a descriptive overview of the occupational risks insurance of Japan. It deals with its operating modes and a statistical chapter details the accidents at work and occupational diseases data.
2011|United States
This document presents a descriptive overview of the occupational risks insurance in the United States. It deals with its history and its operating modes. A statistical chapter details the incidents at work and occupational illnesses data.
2011|Denmark, Denmark
Statistical data relative to accidents at work, occupational diseases and commuting accidents in Denmark – 2004-2010 data
Data relating to accidents at work and occupational diseases in Sweden – 2008-2009 dataIn the set of statistical data relating to accidents at work and occupational diseases in the European Union Member States, EUROGIP publishes the review for Sweden in 2008-2009.
Statistical data relating to accidents at work, occupational diseases and commuting accidents in Finland in 2008.
Salient events of EUROGIP activities in 2010
2011|Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland
EUROGIP is publishing the proceedings of the EUROGIP Discussions hold on 17 March 2011 (Document only in French).
2011|United Kingdom
Set of statistical data relating to accidents at work and occupational diseases in Great-Britain (2008-2009 data)