Community news|22/03/23

Risk-free workplaces with around 330 OiRA tools

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Risk-free workplaces with around 330 OiRA tools

OiRA, the interactive online risk assessment tool, now has some 330 sectoral variations, freely available in many EU languages. From agriculture to social care, from road transport to performance-related industries, more than 50 OiRA tools are still to come.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has deployed the OiRA project in response to the difficulties encountered in enforcing the requirement for risk assessment in small companies. It relies on 16 national partners throughout Europe, including the INRS in France.

The two most recent tools were published by the Portuguese Working Conditions Authority to help taxi drivers and beauticians assess and manage the risks associated with their work.

Today, 174,800 users are registered and over 291,000 risk assessments have been carried out using OiRA.

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