Community news|20/06/24

Roadmap on carcinogens: phase 3 officially launched

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An estimated 100,000 workers in the EU die each year from work-related cancers. That’s why the Carcinogens Roadmap was launched in 2016 and has just been officially extended until 2027.

Phase 3 signatories are Austria, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Norway for the Member States, plus BusinessEurope (European employers), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC – European workers), the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Commission. They have committed themselves to implementing a plan of voluntary actions to raise awareness of the risks of exposure to carcinogens at work and to exchange good practice. The third phase of the roadmap focuses on transferring the results achieved so far, such as the factsheets on carcinogenic substances and examples of good practice, to companies.

The Roadmap partners agree that there must be no let-up in the effort. They are committed to ensuring that the initiative remains high on the agenda of Member States during their presidencies and that it is included in the next EU framework programme on health and safety at work.

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