Community news|27/10/23

Safe and healthy work in the digital age: the new campaign is officially launched

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Safe and healthy work in the digital age: the new campaign is officially launched

Launched by Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the new edition of EU-OSHA’s Healthy Workplaces Campaign officially kicks off today for two years. The theme is Safe and healthy work in the digital age.

“The world of work has undergone considerable transformation in recent years, with the rise of digital technologies, algorithmic management and remote working. Striking the right balance is essential.”

As part of the campaign, five priority areas in particular will be covered, with a variety of resources available (including reports, fact sheets, infographics and case studies). They concern:

  • working on digital platforms
  • task automation
  • remote and hybrid working
  • managing workers through artificial intelligence
  • intelligent digital systems.

William Cockburn Salazar, Executive Director of EU-OSHA, closed the launch conference by saying: “There’s an urgent need to grasp the opportunities and identify the risks of digitalisation to maximise the benefits of these new technologies for safe, healthy and productive workplaces. That’s precisely what EU-OSHA’s new Healthy Workplaces Campaign, ‘Safe and healthy work in the digital age’, aims to achieve.”

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