
Second international meeting on the ISO 45001 standard on “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems”

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Second international meeting on the ISO 45001 standard on “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems”

The second session of ISO Project Committee PC 283 was held in Casablanca, Morocco, from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It brought together 85 experts representing more than 61 countries and 12 liaising organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Although it was intense, this meeting was unable to deal with the 1300 or so comments and 230 pages of text generated following the first version of the draft, established in London in December 2013, of the future ISO 45001 international standard on “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems”. The work will therefore continue until 30 June 2014, mainly by correspondence or webinar, in the five project task groups (TGs) established (within WG1) in December 2013. Only TG 2 in charge of the “planning” chapter will meet in Dubai from 9 to 11 June to discuss in particular the comments relating to the appendix on the guidelines.

At its first meeting, the project committee re-examined the scope of application of the standard and proposed extending it to cover the working out of “guidelines for use” supplementing the “requirements” relating to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. The proposal was submitted to the ISO Technical Management Board (ISO/TBM) and approved by its Resolution 4/2014.

Press release on the second meeting of ISO/PC 283

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