
SPAIN: €36 million for OSH between now and 2020

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: €36 million for OSH between now and 2020

The Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, has announced that between now and 2020 the government will devote €36 million to implementing the national occupational safety and health strategy. This initiative is the result of an agreement with the social partners and the autonomous Communities.

She stressed the commitment of her Ministry, which has launched initiatives to promote and enhance the workplace safety culture, a culture “which should not only help us reduce the accident rate at work but also improve occupational safety and health conditions”.

Mrs Báñez considers that everyone wins from this commitment: companies which, by fulfilling their obligations, help to reduce the accident rate at work and absenteeism, workers, who see their working and living conditions improved, and the Social Security system which is “the backbone of the state welfare system”.

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