
SPAIN: accidents at work and priority sectors in 2019

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What were the figures for accidents at work in 2019? Which sectors of activity should be targeted as a priority for prevention actions? Two reports from the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSST) answer these questions.

Concerning the insured population, the INSST points out that since 1 January 2019 self-employed workers have been affiliated to the Social Security system. In 2019, the latter thus covered 18.6 million workers in the event of an accident at work, including 15.4 million employees.

Accident rate 2019

In 2019, 650,602 accidents at work with lost time were recorded. In 9.4 out of 10 cases, the victims were employees. The vast majority (86.5%) of accidents at work occurred in the workplace. There were 87,846 commuting accidents.

The incidence rate per 100,000 employees (excluding commuting accidents) was twice as high for men as for women. The incidence rate for fatal accidents was 13 times higher. Young people are the most vulnerable group. The construction sector has an incidence rate twice as high as the sectoral average. The agricultural sector comes next, followed closely by industry.

Priority activities based on the 2019 accident rate

Together with the number of workers per sector of activity, the incidence rate of accidents at work is the parameters taken into account to determine the sectors of activity on which preventive actions should be concentrated.

The INSST report presents an analysis in 3 phases: on all accidents, on the most serious accidents and taking into account the gender of the workers. Among the priority sectors are the food industry, the manufacture of metal products (with the exception of machinery and equipment), construction, storage and transport activities and building services and gardening activities as far as men are concerned. As far as women are concerned, these are catering services, agriculture and animal husbandry, social service activities, food industry, accommodation services, assistance in residential establishments and employment-related activities.

Accidents at work Annual Report 2019
Priority activities according to the number of victims

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