Abroad, Covid-19 News|21/04/20

SPAIN: Covid-19 contagion results in an accident at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: Covid-19 contagion results in an accident at work

Any contagion with Covid-19 in working is now considered an accident at work in its own right. A decree-law was expressly issued to this effect on 7 April.

The Social Security provisions adopted at the beginning of March referred to “assimilation” to an accident at work. According to the Social Security, in fact, in accordance with the texts in force which regulate accidents at work, the consideration as it was already applied. Thus, the situation of persons forced to stay at home for health reasons was considered as a temporary disability due to a accident at work.

Today, the Executive has clarified and entered in the Official Gazette the fact that when it is proved that the infection was contracted exclusively during the performance of work, it will be classified as an accident at work. It should also be noted that the employer may be held liable if there has been a breach of safety.

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