
SPAIN: trade unions worry about the consequences of post-summer “ergophobia

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: trade unions worry about the consequences of post-summer “ergophobia

Going back to work after the summer holidays can be a source of stress and anxiety for some people. The UGT trade union confederation is trying to raise awareness of “post-holiday syndrome” and “ergophobia”, the irrational and exaggerated fear of work.

According to the UGT, this “syndrome is not an illness in itself, but a process of adaptation to working life after the holidays, which can last around 15 days and is characterised by both psychological and physical symptoms, such as fatigue, weariness, sadness, palpitations or difficulty sleeping”. It occurs mainly in people who do not feel comfortable in their work.

Ergophobia can be caused by overwork, an unsafe workplace or traumatic events associated with the workplace. If symptoms persist over time, they can trigger depression.

The UGT believes that to respond to both, prevention of occupational risks is essential. “Decent work, free from occupational hazards, in which workers feel useful, valued and fulfilled, is necessary to avoid not wanting to come back after the holidays”.

Find out more (Source: IR Notes, www.irshare.eu)

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