Abroad, Covid-19 News|21/04/20

SPAIN: workplace good practices guidance facing Covid-19

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: workplace good practices guidance facing Covid-19

The government’s workplace good practices guidance specifies the most essential hygiene and interpersonal distance measures to be followed in the context of Covid-19. The first step is to ensure that there is no risk in going to work, i.e., no symptoms or close contact with people affected by the virus. Particular attention will be paid to those who are more vulnerable: 65 years old and over, pregnant women, immunocompromised persons…

Recommended good practices include, inter alia, the following:

  • Favouring means of transport that do not involve grouping and guarantee an interpersonal distance of 2 metres. Using a personal vehicle or taking a taxi requires cleaning measures. In public transport, a mask is indicated.
  • At the workplace, plan tasks and entrances and exits to maintain the recommended interpersonal distance of approximately 2 metres. In case of difficulty, working hours may be staggered. Telework and video-conference meetings will be facilitated.
  • The company must provide personal protective equipment appropriate to the activities where risks cannot be avoided or sufficiently limited collectively or by organisational measures. Staff must be informed of the health recommendations to be followed individually and will be provided with the necessary hygiene products – soap, hydroalcoholic solution and disposable tissues.
  • Every day, the premises should be sanitized with products authorized by the Ministry of Health, with emphasis on windows or door handles, and all equipment commonly used by employees. At each shift change, it is necessary to clean the work area used by an employee.
  • With regard to safety at work, it is advisable to draw up an emergency plan identifying the risk of exposure to the virus from the various activities and to adopt protective measures in each case.
  • Ventilate the facilities at least daily and for five minutes.
    Provide cleaning staff assigned to these tasks with appropriate protection, a mask and disposable gloves.

Finally, the guide advises workers to respect hygiene measures and distance from their homes, especially if they live with people at risk.

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