
Start of work on the ISO 23617 standard “Demographic transition and population ageing”

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Start of work on the ISO 23617 standard “Demographic transition and population ageing”

From 5 to 7 November 2018 in Hangzhou Shi (China), ISO/TC 314 “Ageing Societies” will begin work on the ISO 23617 standard “Demographic transition and population ageing – Recommendations for social inclusion by adapting the working conditions of older workers”.

This standard will provide recommendations for managers, decision makers, human resources and training managers and managers involved in creating work environments regarding the following two aspects of the employment of older workers:

  • Quality of work for older workers, by enhancing management and working conditions.
  • Working conditions of older workers (risk prevention to protect health, support for motivation, recognition of experience, transmission of knowledge and greater involvement of the elderly in the working world).

The standard is expected to cover the following fields: lifelong learning – occupational conversion; workplace design (physical accessibility, secure environment); workplace technologies; work practices; workplace relations; proposed case studies.

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