Abroad, Covid-19 News|23/03/21

SWEDEN: dramatic increase in occupational diseases reporting in 2020

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWEDEN: dramatic increase in occupational diseases reporting in 2020

According to provisional statistics published by the Swedish Work Environment Authority, occupational disease notifications increased by 86% in 2020 compared to 2019. These figures are largely explained by the ongoing pandemic.

Indeed, in health, care and social services, reported ODs have increased by 308%. Women are the main ones concerned, with an increase in declarations of 119%, against 18% for men. These include pathologies due to chemical and biological factors, including Coronavirus infection. On the other hand, other occupational diseases caused by organisational and social, ergonomic or physical factors, such as noise and vibration, have decreased.

The Authority also reports that it recorded 24 fatal accidents, half the number in 2019, and a slightly lower number of occupational accidents in 2020 than in 2019. The consolidated data will be published in June.

Source (in Swedish)

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