
SWEDEN: occupational eczema is common in the metal and health sectors

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWEDEN: occupational eczema is common in the metal and health sectors

Occupational eczema is very common in many sectors, including metalworking and healthcare, which employ a large number of people. It is mainly caused by contact with chemicals or protective gloves, according to a new report from Afa Försäkring.

Employees in the metalworking and other industrial sectors and in the health care sector are the most affected. The former because they often work with products such as processing fluids, uncured epoxy and waste oils or suffer from contact allergies due to, for example, nickel or chrome. The second are allergies caused by their protective equipment. Employees in restaurants and commercial kitchens, hairdressers and house painters are also very affected by occupational eczema.

In the area of prevention, Afa Försäkring has collaborated with Prevent, which has developed “The Chemical Guide”, KemiGuiden. This reference book deals with the requirements for working with chemicals, helps to improve safety and reduce chemical health risks in the workplace. It also provides help on applicable laws and regulations.

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