
SWITZERLAND: a commitment to health and safety benefits your company

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWITZERLAND: a commitment to health and safety benefits your company

This is a first. Five national occupational health and safety organisations are launching a joint campaign on the theme “Leadership Laboratory. Your commitment to safety and health benefits your company”.

Some 115,000 small companies in the service sector throughout Switzerland are targeted. They are characterised by a simple structure, in which one person usually combines many management activities. The high workload leads to a lack of knowledge about occupational safety and health protection.

The online portal offers a guide, a self-test to find out what managers are already doing well and what they can improve, as well as links to concrete, carefully selected offers to actually improve. The campaign will be promoted through large-scale digital media, direct mailings, participation in trade fairs and via the internal channels of the responsible organisations and partners (Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Accident Prevention Bureau, Suva and Health Promotion Switzerland Foundation). The action will continue until at least 2024.

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