
SWITZERLAND: acknowledging responsibility with “an accident in court”.

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWITZERLAND: acknowledging responsibility with “an accident in court”.

When are the facts leading to an accident punishable? Who is responsible before the criminal courts if safety rules have not been observed? What penalties can be imposed? Suva’s “An accident in court” event aims to answer these questions using fictitious accidents that have been tried in a real court.

The event serves as a forum for professional exchange and training in the field of accident law and occupational safety. For example, a worker sent by a service company was seriously injured on a lifting platform. Employer, employment agency, worker: what exactly happened and who is responsible for the accident? In addition to explanatory videos, the verdict is available and has a strong awareness-raising value.

The “Accident in court” event was held in several cities and attracted more than 1,500 participants, demonstrating the relevance and interest in this topic.

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