
SWITZERLAND: Job burn-out will not have occupational disease status

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SWITZERLAND: Job burn-out will not have occupational disease status

The National Social Security Commission rejected by 17 votes to 7 a parliamentary initiative by Mathias Reynard (PS/VS) for job burn-out to be recognized as an occupational disease.

It explains that often it is not possible to establish a definite link between the symptoms and the occupation. Moreover, it considers that the prevention programmes already put in place by the private economy are substantial.

According to the MP, on the contrary, the growing reality of psychological suffering at work requires a rethinking of the approach to occupational risks. From the health insurance viewpoint, job burn-out is covered only for the aspect of depression, which does not cover the whole reality. By registering it as an occupational disease, it would be possible to recognize this constantly growing pathology, allowing better coverage of patients and facilitating their occupational rehabilitation, but also to enhance prevention.

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