Community news|28/07/21

Telework: What regulation before and after the pandemic in Europe?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Telework: What regulation before and after the pandemic in Europe?

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, teleworking has become a widespread practice and may well become a permanent feature of employment in many organisations. How was it regulated before the crisis? What changes have been made? What initiatives have been adopted?

EU-OSHA analyses these issues in a new report to inform the development of effective approaches to regulating telework in the EU in the ‘post-Covid-19′ era.

It surveyed of its national focal points and available literature to examine how teleworking was regulated at European and national levels. The report also analyses the changes and policy debates that have emerged in response to the pandemic. It reviews legislation, employment and working conditions, occupational health and safety issues and work-life balance. The role of collective bargaining and social dialogue is also discussed.

The definition of telework, employees’ rights to telework and disconnection are all areas covered by changes in national legislation and initiatives to better protect employees.

Report Regulating telework in a post-COVID-19 Europe (pdf)

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