
The ETUC passes a resolution on its representation in standardization

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In a Resolution passed on 12 June 2014, the Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) reiterates the importance of the representation of workers’ interests in European standardization activities.

It calls for the European Commission to define immediately the practical procedures which will enable the ETUC to fully play its role in the process and gives the Secretariat of the ETUC a mandate to take the appropriate measures facilitating effective participation of European trade union confederations and federations.

In a previous Resolution passed in March 2013, the ETUC had recognized standardization as a key instrument of industrial policy, promotion, innovation and product policy, but “reiterates its opposition to the highly political manoeuvre by which standardization is increasingly resorted to in the single market as a substitute for legislation, in order to bypass complex legislative processes”.

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