Community news|30/04/24

The European Parliament adopts the directive on the employment of platforms

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The European Parliament adopts the directive on the employment of platforms

MEPs have just overwhelmingly approved (554 votes in favour, 56 against and 24 abstentions) a watered-down version of the EU’s Platform Workers Directive on Wednesday (24 April), bringing to an end two years of intense negotiations.

Agreed by the Parliament and Council in February, the new rules aim to ensure that platform workers have their employment status properly classified and to correct bogus self-employment. For the first time in the EU, the use of algorithms in the workplace is also regulated. The text also aims for greater transparency and protection of workers’ data.

Rapporteur Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D, IT) said: “Thanks to this directive, up to 40 million platform workers in the EU will have access to fair working conditions. This historic agreement will give them dignity, protection and rights. It will correct bogus self-employment, prevent unfair competition, protect genuine self-employment and introduce revolutionary rules on the management of algorithms. It will become a true global benchmark”.

The Council still has to formally adopt the text, “a procedural step that should not cause any significant delays”. EU Member States will then have two years to incorporate the directive’s provisions into their national legislation.

To find out more
EUROGIP report “Platform workers: what status for what social protection? Characteristics – European initiatives – Situation in 6 European countries” (in French with an English summary included).

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