
THE NETHERLANDS: launch of a campaign against harassment and mobbing

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > THE NETHERLANDS: launch of a campaign against harassment and mobbing

In early June the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment launched an awareness raising campaign on discrimination, mobbing and sexual harassment in the workplace, bearing in mind that one out of six workers had to face such behaviour last year.

“Undesirable behaviour? Not for me”. Based on a poster and a radio message, employers and employees are called on to discuss and see the grey area between an innocent joke and undesirable behaviour. The idea put forward is that it is essential to speak about this at work and in the home, before it is too late. TNO is involved in the campaign, as well as the Labour Inspectorate which has launched a self-inspection tool for employers to understand the forms of undesirable behaviour.

When these behaviours are combined with a heavy workload, they double the risk of stress, which is the No. 1 cause of occupational diseases in the Netherlands, and job burn-out.

To find out more (in Dutch)

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