
THE NETHERLANDS: more than one in two cases of occupational disease was a mental disorder in 2017

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > THE NETHERLANDS: more than one in two cases of occupational disease was a mental disorder in 2017

According to the report published by the Netherlands Centre for Occupational Diseases (NCvB), 4,619 cases of occupational diseases were reported in 2017 to the National Register of Occupational Diseases, of which 57% were psychological disorders and 28% MSDs.
Employees in lower socio-economic positions are almost three times as often affected, particularly by MSDs. Sixty per cent of reports from employees at higher level are related to overload or burnout. This share is increasing.

About two thirds of cases of occupational disease occur in employees over forty years old, resulting in a temporary disability in the vast majority of cases (83%). The economic sectors with the highest number of new cases per 100,000 employees are industry, transportation and storage, public administration, education and construction.

It should also be noted that NCvB launched an online e-learning tool specifically designed to enable occupational physicians to acquire skills in the diagnosis of burnout.

Read the NCvB report (in Dutch)


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