
The Vienna Agreement is 30 years old

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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the Austrian Standards International (ASI) are organizing an online event on 11 October 2021 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Agreement.

This Agreement governs the technical cooperation between ISO and CEN. It is intended to ensure that the resources available for standardisation are used in the best possible way. In addition, the Agreement makes it possible:

  • to facilitate the exchange of information between ISO and CEN,
  • to contribute to increasing the transparency of CEN’s work for ISO members
  • to ensure that work is not duplicated at the regional and international levels by providing for a mechanism to relinquish responsibility for one of the two bodies when they are working on the same subjects.

This agreement recognises the primacy of ISO standards over CEN standards, in accordance with the rules set by the World Trade Organisation. However, it also recognises that the EU Single Market may have particular needs. This may include standards for which there is no internationally recognised need, or where there is an urgent need for adoption in the EU but less so internationally.

On 11 October, the strategic importance of aligning regional standardisation with the international context will be explored and future developments will be considered.

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