Community news|10/08/22

VSEs and SMEs: online tools to assess occupational risks

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > VSEs and SMEs: online tools to assess occupational risks

Agriculture, distribution and logistics, education, hairdressers, hotels and restaurants… The 300 or so sector-specific OiRA tools currently available have been developed to help micro and small enterprises assess their risks online. They are available in 17 languages. The most recent one helps to create a healthy office workplace.

The tools are very easy to use and can be downloaded free of charge, each with a brief description and the name of the EU-OSHA partner who developed it. The search for tools can be done by country, language and sector.

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OSH: issues and prospects at the heart of a EUROGIP seminar in Brussels

At an internal seminar in Brussels in mid-January, the EUROGIP team discussed occupational health and safety (OHS) in Europe with Bozica Matic (European Parliament EMPL Committee) and Ignacio Doreste (ETUC). These discussions shed light on the legislative dynamics and future priorities for worker protection.