
What we can learn from yesterday’s EUROGIP Discussions

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > What we can learn from yesterday’s EUROGIP Discussions

The EUROGIP Discussions were held on 5 avril 2022, on this issue: “Protection health and safety at work in a changing world”. Just after the conference, what should we learn from it?

The Discussions showed that current changes, whether organizational or technological – and the two often go hand in hand – bring with them risks (traditional or new) that must be constantly assessed. These changes in the world of work can also offer opportunities in terms of occupational health and prevention: fewer MSDs with exoskeletons, more autonomy and recognition in teleworking, etc. The key is, as usual, to carry out a risk assessment as early as possible.

In a world that is changing so fast, the twenty or so speakers often mentioned the need to adapt, re-invent and be proactive. A first report is available today. It will be followed by the online replay and the publication of the proceedings (in French only), which will include a more exhaustive account of the exchanges.

Download the report of the 6th April

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