Community news|09/02/24

“Working on safety 2024”: call for papers for the 12th international conference

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > “Working on safety 2024”: call for papers for the 12th international conference

From 22 to 25 September 2024 in Dresden (Germany), the DGUV will organise the 12th international conference of the “Working on Safety (WOS)” network, which brings together decision-makers, researchers and practitioners to discuss the prevention of work-related accidents and diseases. The issue of the conference is “BUILDING A RESILIENT FUTURE – Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world”.

The deadline for submitting abstracts to speak or present a poster at the conference is 29 February 2024. Under-30s are particularly encouraged to apply and participate in the Young Scientist Award.

Contributions must address one of the six conference themes:

  • Digitisation and connectivity
  • Changes in work organisation
  • Sustainable development and safety at work
  • Vision Zero: safety – health – well-being
  • Education and training
  • Health and safety management.

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