Community news|24/09/14

Working Time Directive: The social partners are called on to give their opinion

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Working Time Directive: The social partners are called on to give their opinion

The European Commission has launched a consultation with national social partners on the 2003/88/EC directive concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time. The social partners are to state whether, in their opinion, the directive has been transposed into national law satisfactorily in their country and whether they consider they were sufficiently consulted before enacting the measures to transpose the directive.
The European Commission also asks for an opinion on more specific subjects covered by the directive such as:

  • Workers’ health and safety;
  • The balance between working life and private life;
  • Corporate flexibility and competitiveness;
  • Consumers and users;
  • SMEs;
  • Administrative and regulatory obligations.

The European Commission wants to know whether, according to the social partners, the application of the directive serves the targeted objectives of protecting and improving workers’ health and safety, while providing for a certain flexibility in the application of various measures and taking care not to impose unnecessary constraints on SMEs.
Finally, the social partners are invited to express any proposals for additions or changes in the directive, and the reasons which motivate this.
The replies and comments should be attached to the national reports of the Member States, which every five years must submit a report on the practical implementation of the provisions of the 2003/88/EC directive.

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