
GERMANY: What do older workers think of their working conditions and their health?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: What do older workers think of their working conditions and their health?

boulange-tutoriatThe BAUA carried out a survey on a representative sample of 20,000 workers concerning their working conditions, their level of training and their qualifications in order to establish a portrait of the working population. The analysis concerning older workers (the 50-64 age group) was published recently. 

Regarding their working conditions, older workers say they suffer the effects of pressure related to deadlines and performance. Senior executives and academics seem especially affected by this work pressure. In this socio-professional category, 89% of workers would like to take an early retirement, whereas among the self-employed, 73% would like to do so. 

As regards their state of health, older workers often consider it as poor. And for those with a lower level of qualifications, health disorders are more frequent. MSDs are a real concern for those aged over 50. The older they become, the more they complain of this. 

The survey gives a reminder of how essential it is to improve working conditions and adapt work stations for the over-50 age group if the goal is to extend the length of the population’s working life.

To find out more (in German)

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