Community news|03/05/17

EU-OSHA campaign: the papers presented for the official partners are online

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EU-OSHA campaign: the papers presented for the official partners are online

The presentations made on 22 and 23 March (in Brussels) during the event intended for the partners of the EU-OSHA campaign on “Healthier and safer work at any age” are online.

Various workshops and plenary sessions gave participants an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss good practices in support of safe, healthy and sustainable work. Among the specific subjects, we may mention workers’ well-being, commercial success and strong leadership, and the way in which these factors can be measured and incorporated in the commercial strategy.

A prizegiving ceremony was held for the good practices of the campaign’s official partners, in the presence of Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility. SAP received an award and Toyota Material Handling was congratulated.

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