Community news|03/09/21

World OSH Congress: final programme available

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > World OSH Congress: final programme available

The 22nd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (OSH) will open on 20 September on the issue: “Prevention in the Connected Age – Global solutions to achieve safe and healthy work for all”. The final programme is now available.

The main topics will be:

1. Innovations in Addressing Longstanding Safety and Health Challenges
Despite significant progress in reducing the incidence of occupational accidents and diseases, traditional risks in high-risk sectors persist. The challenges are particularly relevant for new hires and young people who continue to be at higher risk.

2. Implications of the Changing World of Work for Occupational Safety and Health
Digitalisation, globalisation, demographic change and increasing flexibility of work are shaping the world of work. This has led to new forms of work and organisation and new challenges but also new opportunities for prevention.

3. Advancing a Culture of Prevention
The global movement to adopt a mindset that all work-related accidents and illnesses are preventable requires a paradigm and culture shift in all aspects of working life. Work-related accidents and illnesses always have causes. By building a strong culture of prevention, these causes can be eliminated and work-related physical and mental harm prevented.

The congress will present the decisive progress made and the strategies developed to meet these different challenges.

Programme in English
(available in French, German and Spanish on 8 September)

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