
A new online tool to stimulate participation in standardization by the stakeholders in society

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > A new online tool to stimulate participation in standardization by the stakeholders in society

Producers, sellers, buyers, users and regulatory organizations for a material, product, process or service can contribute to the development of European standards. To encourage them to do so, CEN-CENELEC recently launched an online toolbox.
The participation of all these players helps to confirm users in the idea that standards reflect the scientific and technical state of the art, but also the concerns and priorities of society in the broadest sense.
Enterprises also gain by having access to standards which take into account market expectations, workers’ health and safety and environmental protection.
The European organizations ETUI, ANEC and ECOS – representing the interests of workers, consumers and conservationists respectively – have welcomed this initiative.
Note that there already exists an online tool for SMEs.

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