
BELGIUM: 2161 cases compensated within the framework of the Asbestos Fund (AFA) since 2007

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: 2161 cases compensated within the framework of the Asbestos Fund (AFA) since 2007

Since its creation in 2007, the AFA has recognized 2161 people as asbestos victims: 1453 suffering mesothelioma and 735 suffering asbestosis (some being victims of both diseases). Most victims develop these diseases, which appear 20 to 40 years after the exposure to asbestos, between the ages of 65 and 74.

Among the victims of mesothelioma, who usually die in the year after reporting the disease, 1115 were exposed to the ore during their work. Most cases (67%) are in the private sector. In non-work-related cases, the victims contracted the disease because they lived close to an asbestos factory, because their spouse worked there or because they used asbestos as part of their hobby.

For mesothelioma sufferers as a whole, the AFA has taken 2402 compensation decisions, in the form of monthly benefits (€1723.05) awarded to the victim and/or a lump sum payment awarded to the spouse (€34,461), former spouse or child after their death.

Of the 735 cases of asbestosis, 690 are of work-related origin. Asbestosis is an incurable disease, the outcome of which is not usually fatal, and which gradually causes breathlessness. An asbestosis victim receives €17.23 in monthly benefits per percentage point of disability.

Note that, since 1 April 2014, a new law allows environmental victims and self-employed workers to benefit from an AFA contribution for healthcare services and the help of another person in their case management.

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